Deep breathing techniques have been around for ages. Some practitioners have practiced these exercises and have infused them with their twist. Dr. Andrew Weil has developed a 4-7-8 Breathing Technique. He is an internationally renowned doctor and integrative medicine pioneer. According to Dr. Weil, the 4-7-8 breathing technique is the most effective way of managing Anxiety and quelling errant stress responses that he's found in his decades of experience.
It's an ancient yogic technique, a 4-7-8 breathing technique called pranayam which helps practitioners gain control over their breathing. If people practice this regularly, they may fall asleep earlier in a shorter period.
For people who suffer from anxiety, Deep Breathing Techniques such as 4-7-8 are beneficial because they help to reinforce the connection between the mind and body, which is key to combating anxiety. To activate your parasympathetic nervous system, you need to slow down your breathing and Focus fully on the breaths that you are taking.
The body is flooded with a wave of relaxation, which in turn enhances your mood. With the body relaxing, the mind can take a break from its perpetual stress by concentrating on the mechanics of the breath. This forces it to focus on the mechanics of the breath.
When you practice this breathing technique, your body will become deeply relaxed. Your body allows replenishing oxygen when specific patterns of holding breath for a period of time are involved. Breathing techniques 4-7-8 will allow you to breathe out by giving your organs and tissues a much-needed oxygen boost.
When we are stressed, we have a flight-or-fight response regulated in our bodies. Practicing this technique helps to relax and bring the body back into balance. The 4-7-8 breathing technique can be helpful if you are having trouble sleeping because of anxiety or if you are worried about what will happen today or tomorrow. According to studies, swirling thoughts or concerns can keep you awake or make it difficult to sleep.
When you lie down at night, rather than repeating your problems for a whole day, you can focus on regulating your breathing by following the 4-7-8 breathing technique that forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath.
In other words, the 4-7-8 breathing technique is similar to practices like alternate Nostril Breathing, Mindfulness Meditation, visualization techniques to concentrate your mind on the path and pattern, and guided imagery to help you focus on a happy memory.
Much has been said about how this breathing technique benefits the mind and body. Now let's discuss the method.
4-7-8 breathing practices can be done anywhere and anytime. However, it is recommended that you find a quiet place where you can be alone. Sit in a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground. Also, you can sit on the ground in the Lotus position. Use a meditation cushion if you feel uncomfortable sitting on the ground.
If you are using this method for sleeping, it is best to lie on your back and relax, facing the ceiling with your arms at your side. Essentially, this practice mimics the slow breathing technique.
Step 1 : Begin by exhaling all the air out of your lungs through your mouth.
Step 2 : Let's begin the cycle. Count to four: 1...2...3...4... simultaneously as you breathe through your nose without opening your mouth. While Inhaling, make sure your belly expands.
Step 3 : Hold the air in your lungs to the count of seven on both sides: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7...
Step 4 : Now open your mouth and Exhale slowly through the mouth to the count of eight: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... at the same time feel your belly get smaller.
You can perform this practice twice a day in 4 cycles. Practice daily and as you progress, you can increase the cycle to 8 times in a row.
All you need to do is keep track of the three phases and your breathing throughout. Count during your inhale, count during your hold, and count during your exhale. It is recommended that you perform the exercise sitting upright during the entire exercise.
So that's it! Remember that this, like any newly taught method, may feel strange, awkward, or difficult at first. Try not to be disheartened; remember that practice makes perfect. Give it a shot for a few days, and if you really struggle (and some people do find practicing this challenging), switch to Box Breathing, Compassionate Breathing, or just plain old Deep Breathing or even join our app Better Breathe, available in Play Store and App Store.
As long as you Inhale Through Your Nose, Exhale Through Your Mouth, and your belly rises and falls with each Breath, it should help.